+421 57 488 06 26 [email protected]

Quality Control

Quality is an important and integral part of our company strategy at VSK PROZEO. That is why we have implemented a rigorous Quality Control system.

Powered by a world-class Quality Assurance department with a multinational team, we are constantly reviewing the newest standards, implementing cutting edge technology for product safety, and implementing varied-stage testing procedures. 

We constantly strive to improve the quality and safety of not only our products but also assist our partners in meeting the same internal quality standards. We assure our customers that the feed materials, feed additives and premixtures they are procuring to be safe in terms of quality, traceability and reliability. Furthermore, we can assure you that our products are organic, environmentally friendly and produced without explosive devices, which leads to lower environmental impact and a cleaner end product. 

All of our Zeolite products are backed by extensive R&D data and come with outstanding technical services. This is realized by holding the most relevant Quality Control labels FAMI QS, ISO 9001 and QS system.
Adhering and implementing these form the solid basis for VSK PRO – ZEO’s Quality Control System and result in an unmatched level of safety and quality which is recognized worldwide.

Don’t take our word for it,
see our accreditation below  ↓

Politics of the Quality

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate

FAMI-QS Certificate



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Južná trieda 125
SK 040 01 Košice

Lom Kučín 139
094 21 Nižný Hrabovec


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